
The frequently asked questions below were compiled from the many questions our physicians are asked by patients. The questions are intended to provide general information only and may not apply specifically to every individual and/or procedure. If you have specific questions you would like answered, please go to the "Ask A Question" page or call our office.

  1. How To Care For Your Incision Post Surgery
  2. What has caused me to have heart or vascular disease, such as disease in the arteries of my neck or the arteries in my leg?
  3. How do you do the operation?
  4. How many of these procedures have you done?
  5. Will I have much postoperative pain?
  6. What are my chances i.e. risks with surgery?
  7. Will I miss part of my lung after lung surgery?
  8. Will I become disabled after my surgery?
  9. Can I have this problem again, such as heart blockage, peripheral vascular disease, or carotid disease?
  10. Will my insurance pay for the procedure?
  11. Do I go to the hospital the night before surgery?
  12. What do I do the night before surgery?
  13. What do I do when I arrive at the hospital?
  14. Will I meet the Surgeon before surgery?
  15. Who will do my anesthesia?
  16. Why is my surgery delayed?
  17. Will the surgeon see me everyday in the hospital?
  18. When can I go home after surgery?
  19. What will I do when I go home from the hospital?
  20. What are my limitations after surgery?
  21. When do I see you after the operation?
  22. When can I go back to work?
  23. When can I drive?
  24. What kind of diet should I be on?
  25. When can I have sex?
  26. Why am I having trouble sleeping and when will my appetite return after surgery?
  27. How long will the numbness last in my incision?
  28. What is Cardiac Rehabilitation?
  29. Where can I get the new patient forms?